Sunday, November 19, 2017

Brexit - A small blip

Pic: I recently watched Meet the Fockers and came across this concept of circle of trust.

Why it won't be the beginning of the end (of EU)?

The European countries are much dependent on each other (More than they know off)
The moment something like the EU falls or breaks, alternative versions of the original EU
will pop up.

If another rich or poor nation leaves the EU in the next couple of years , it might trigger an economic panic across all the nations.

To prevent such economic shocks, the nations would immediately propose the creation of the
original EU. Creation of an alternative EU would probably take lesser time than which Brexit is going to take.

There is a scenario where there may be two or more alternatives of the EU along with the original EU.
Sort of like the phase Christianity religion underwent in the 12th century.
What does an organization try to do when it's employees are walking out the door?
Policy changes ?

Anyways the point of this article is that, all this is just a minor setback.
The idea of having United Nations, G5, G8, G20 etc is to mutually benefit of each others strengths and at times weaknesses. This concept is not of this century, in fact it has been around since the pyramids ?
Time and again this concept gives birth to such unions, the force and the need for unity is greater often driven by necessity. There will always be the nay-sayers or nay-nations, it is disappointing when we take a step back. But sometime like they say, we need to take a step behind to see the entire picture.

There will be many unions and many fallouts and rejoins but in the end we should hope to see the real united nations. Just like in school when you first heard the words "United Nations" what comes to your mind? All nations of the world, correct ? may be you got that thought because you were just a child and not familiar with the workings of the real world. Well atleast in our lifetime we were lucky to see the "Paris Climate Accord" which saw all the nations of the world come together on an agreement to try and save the planet for the first time. That does count for something even though a couple of countries did not sign it. May be people will learn from their mistakes and make the world a better place for the generations to come.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Kung Fu Panda 3 - The Alternative Meaning

After watching Ku Fu Panda 3 (KFP-3) many times. It reminded me of one other movie, which made me think of an alternative meaning to the movie.

Spoiler Alert-
In the movie KFP-3 Po goes back to his secret village where his father and the rest of the Panda population have survived. Po feels strange adapting to their life style and finally learns to roll with it. He then teaches his fellow citizens of the village who are fun-loving and clumsy, the art of  Kung Fu with basic daily activities(kind off) in order to defend their village from enemies. In the end when Po is in the spirit realm , the village relearns their ancient art of Chi (It is sort of energy, that makes the flower bloom and gives extra super powers) and helps Po secure victory over Kai (the enemy).

Well for me I felt that Po was the lost soul who found purpose in life, which is - to help and protect others by teaching them. If you have watched KFP-3 you will notice that his fellow village brethren are distraught and have less or no basic skills . So Po helps the  pandas learn Kung Fu through daily activities.
Consider this, the village as an rehabilitation center and Po helped the "inmates" Pandas learn basic skills to make their life a little bit bright and easy. In the end they end up helping each other.

Other Movie:
Patch Adams - The true story of the Doctor.
The movie opens up where Patch Adams is in a rehabilitation center. As the movie progresses he helps the inmates a little, part by part. Later on does amazing things with his humor and dedication. Again to make their life a little better. Plus there are many other similarities at a higher abstract level which you can find out if you have watched both the movies.

may be the below picture will convince you of my interpretation.


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